[Game Review] Toy Soldiers (Xbox Live)

System: Xbox Live Arcade (Exclusive)
Signal Studios
Tower Defense

This year has seen the release of some crazy things for the Xbox Live arcade market. Indie games, puzzle games, 2-d games, you name it they’ve probably got it. One game that really caught my eye was Signal Studio’s Toy Soldiers.

Released at the beginning of March, Toy Soldiers brought a handful of achievements and a few nifty avatar items (if those are your thing) along with a rather easy to play and mindlessly fun game.

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[Video Game News] Telltale Announces Back To The Future Video Games

I don’t play video games, but if I did, I imagine the only thing that could trump my excitement about this news would be the announcement of a Marvin Berry & the Starlighters reunion tour.

According to this site, Telltale Games (makers of a game or two I’m sure some of you have played/heard of) are releasing an episodic game based on Back To The Future, the single greatest achievement in cinematic history. I checked out of the video game scene after Wild Gunman, but this news is enough to even get my heart racing at about 88 MPH [I really wish I could close with a better reference than this, but I’m pressed for time (insert even lamer and more obvious DeLorean joke here)].

[Game Review] Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Mario Galaxy 2 US Box artSystem: Wii (Exclusive)
Developer: Nintendo EAD Tokyo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Platformer

I have been writing reviews on this site for coming up on two years now, and I have never awarded anything a perfect 10. I’ve reviewed books, video games, energy drinks, movies, food, tech, and music — a very wide scope of products — and never experienced one single item that deserved a score of perfection. Never. I don’t know why, but I’ve just never experienced anything that I truly thought existed without some flaw, some merit of quality detraction.

That streak has come to an end, as I have finally experienced something truly perfect. No blemishes, no flaws, nothing to detract from the experience offered. Super Mario Galaxy 2 for the Nintendo Wii is truly perfect in everything that it does. Of course I can’t just say that without offering something to back it up, so if you feel you need further convincing, then by all means read onward dear gamer. If, however, I’ve already swayed you, then I suggest buying the game right now if you don’t already have it in your library. This is an interactive experience that shouldn’t be missed.

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[The Top Five] Wii Games You’ve Never Played

Many people complain about there being no good games on the Wii outside of Mario, Metroid and Zelda. However, those people are unaware of the secret gems that live withing the console’s darkest caves. A quick journey into the realm of the unknown brings many undiscovered rarities that are sure to tickle anyone’s fancy. Grab a flashlight, pick axe, and a granola bar, because we are diving head first into a pile of games you’ve never played. Continue reading

The Pokevan is Finished!

A while back, we posted pictures of the Pokevan, which was the result of a case of late night boredom and extreme excitement for Pokemon Heartgold/SoulSilver. It took us a while, but it’s finally a finished product, guaranteed to get our friend laid every night for the rest of his life. Credits go to Zack McDonald for painting such an awesome van, even though now, in comparison, the other side he painted is pretty ugly.

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[Game Review] Red Steel 2 (Wii)

System: Wii (Exclusive)
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: FPS

Ever since the Wii was announced, gamers have been dreaming of using their Wiimote to control a sword. Picking up on that early anticipation, Ubisoft started development of a game called Red Steel. The title was a Wii exclusive first-person shooter, built from the ground up for the system, where players could not only blast foes into oblivion, but they were also given the ability duke it out in one-on-one sword fights. Nintendo fans were ecstatic.

But when the game finally arrived right next to the Wii hardware, it was just plain awful. The controls were painful, the story was bad, there was no online multiplayer, and worst of all the swordplay was atrocious. It was nothing like Wii gamers had hoped it would be. Now Ubisoft is back with Red Steel 2, a dramatic reboot of the entire series, ditching anything that would relate it to the first game besides the namesake. This time around, the game kicks ass.

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[Game Review] Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (Nintendo DS)

System: Nintendo DS (Exclusive)
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: RPG

I’m 20 years old. It’s a late Saturday night, the skies are clear, the air is warm, and adventure can be felt in the air. It’s the first night of the year that could be spent hanging out in a Rally’s drive through, smoking Black & Milds in a grocery store parking lot, or hanging out by a campfire with a harmonica and a Monster Energy Drink.

But I wasn’t doing any of that stuff. No. Instead, I was at my local Wal-Mart Supercenter anxiously awaiting midnight, the hour when Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver would officially go on sale.

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[Games] Take a Ride in the PokeVan

It really is quite amazing what you can accomplish at two o’clock in the morning when you’ve got a backpack full of spray paint, a trashy multicolored van, and an itchy case of PokeFever. Creating this gorgeous work of art took about three hours, and it was totally worth it.

The majority of the art was done by my good friend Zack McDonald, with highlights and accents added by yours truly, and the trashy van was provided by Thomas Campbell.

Click “Read More” to see a few more pictures of the now-legendary PokeVan. Also, we are going to need your help. Read on to find out how you can contribute to something way cooler than you will ever be. Continue reading

[Game Review] No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)

System: Wii (Exclusive)
Devloper: Grasshopper Manufacture
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: Action

I have always wanted Quentin Tarantino to make a video game. The way he makes his films, with over-the-top violence, plenty of sex, ass loads of awesomeness, and way too much dialogue would make the perfect video game script.

However, that’s not likely to happen any time soon. So instead, us gamers have to look to Suda 51 and Grasshopper Manufacture to get our overdose of interactive bad assery, and Suda’s latest masterpiece, No More Heroes 2, is more than enough for any gamer craving something out of the ordinary in the best way imaginable. Continue reading

[Game Review] Battlefield: Bad Company (XBox 360)

System: XBox 360 (Also on PS3)
Developer: DICE Studios
Pulbisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: FPS

In a time dominated by Call of Duty, Battlefield: Bad Company brings something to the First Person Shooter table. With the launch of its sequel only hours away, I figured I would give you folks a taste of what was, and of what can be expected. Bad Company delivers in many areas that other FPS games don’t, namely, environment. When you get in the game, I urge you, take a look around at a building or tree and SHOOT at it.

Trees come down, windows break, grenades will BLOW UP WALLS! Artillery and tank rounds will leave smoldering craters where people once were and buildings will crumble. The game brings a fantastic sense of realism on the virtual battlefield by allowing both the player and AI to change the playing field at almost any time. This leads up to one of my major gripes about Bad Company, namely in the single player area, and that is AI. Continue reading