Happy First Birthday, Everyview!

first bdayThat’s right, Everyview readers. Today marks the first anniversary of this humble review site. We’ve grown immensely in the past year, going from Blogger to WordPress to finally getting our own domain name and experiencing more than a few layout changes in the process. Thanks to everyone who stuck with us through those first few days as Everyview.com, by there way. They were rough and everything was a mess, but you guys kept checking in on our progress and showing your support, so thank you.

This site has gone from a small hobby to my biggest investment and most time-consuming activity I do, but it is all worth it and I love doing every bit of it. I remember the day I started it, rather vividly as a matter of fact. I was sitting in class at college and desperately wanted to do anything that wasn’t my programming assignment. I remembered talking with my good friend Tate Molnar about making a website, so I took that idea and ran with it. Continue reading

[Game News] Tetris Turns 25 Today

tetris-original25 years ago, Russia introduced the world to its greatest cultural achievement, Tetris. The original falling-block puzzle game Tetris has “inspired” thousands of knock-offs and has appeared on nearly every device ever created. If it has buttons, it can play Tetris. If it can play Tetris, is has Tetris. Continue reading