[The Everyview Update] Video Review Show on the Way!

Yep, you heard right! We’re going to delve into the wonderful world of internet porn video reviews with our very own little show! Everyview: The Video Review Show, as it will be titled, will be released in episodes every… well however long it takes our fat, lazy asses to finish each episode. Of course there will still be plenty of mega sweet written content for our readers to enjoy, these episodes are simply an expansion.

For the first episode we’ve got three wonderful products slated for review: the Ped Egg, Sonic’s Super Sonic Breakfast Burrito, and the e-Cigs, a more environmentally friendly and high tech way to get cancer. Of course these are all subject to change for whatever reason, and we might even add something if it comes up in time for filming.

Until next time, keep reading Everyview! Oh, and click on some of the newly placed ads along our sidebar to make sure we get to eat this week. Zac and Brandon always eat, and it shows. The rest of the crew? Maybe you should pray for them tonight. They’re looking pretty sickly.

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