[Site Update] New Banner, New Writer, We’re on a PodCast, and Some Minor Site Facelifts

Sorry for anyone looking for a surprise, that title pretty much gave everything away.

Anyway, some of you may have noticed the new banner floating over your favorite website. Some of you may have noticed that it is pretty lame, plain, and boring. Some may have noticed the zombies. But everyone should know that it is simply a temporary place-holder until we can get a decent prize secured for a “Make Us a Good Banner” contest.

And anyone who has paid attention throughout the past few days may have noticed a review of Common’s “Universal Mind Control” album from a mysterious writer named Thomas Campbell. He’s not actually that mysterious at all, really, but I never made him do an intro post so you just don’t know who he is. He’ll be reviewing and posting here on Everyview from now on and has a specialty in food and music as he used to be a chef and is currently a D.J.

This one mainly goes out to anyone from Everyview’s home town of Terre Haute, Indiana. We are the latest act to be abducted onto Terre Haute’s premiere podcast called “It Came From the Haute.” We’ll be doing a 2-minute segment on a schedule that has yet to be decided, but we’ll keep you posted on how things proceed from here.

Last but not least I am doing some minor site renovations. You may notice the new “(more…)” buttons at the end of most posts and the fact that images are no longer uniform and boring on the main page. But with every project comes a mess, so keep your eyes out for anything that seems funky and report it to me through our Contact page.

Thanks guys, and as always, keep reading Everyview!

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