Hello. It is I, someone new. Yes. Considerably.

Hello, Everyviewers, I’m known as Phil, and I am a new contributor here at this fine, glorious, excellent, remarkable, tremendous (fair amount of sucking up– move on) site. I have and still do run a video game blog of my own entitled SuperPhillip Central. I have done so for about a year and half for the sole reason of combining two loves of mine into one: gaming and writing. Made sense to me at least.

A little bit about me– I’m 23, and I live in the Midwest. I’m signed up to go back to college after a two year hiatus, and I’m hoping to major in theater. There’s enough drama in my life as is anyway. Why not have some for fun with acting?

My purpose here at Everyview will be to contribute game reviews and occasional editorials as I deem necessary… or when drunk. Whichever comes first, I imagine. No, I kid. I don’t drink. I’m supposedly in the running for Games Editor, but we’ll see how much work that entails first. Perhaps that drunk remark took me out of the running…

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you around on Everyview!

– Phil