[Movie Review] How Do You Know (2010)

How Do You Know is hardly a bad movie. It’s well produced and boasts a charming cast, has some interesting things to say about relationships, and is lighthearted and easy to digest.

The film, the most recent effort from writer/director James L. Brooks, just never really takes advantage of all the positives it has going for it, instead becoming another tragic example of a writer who tries too hard to say something, and winds up saying nothing at all. Like the title suggests, it’s a general statement without the necessary punctuation.

How Do You Know tells the story of Lisa, George, and Matty; three attractive D.C. area people in various stages of their lives. Lisa (Reese Witherspoon) is a former Team USA Softball player who has aged out of her spot on the team. George (Paul Rudd) is a successful corporate type in the midst of a federal indictment, and Matty (Owen Wilson) is a playboy pitcher for the Washington Nationals.

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[Movie Review] The Other Guys (2010)

The Other Guys is the proverbial mixed bag. The movie is never tremendously funny, but it is at the very least an enjoyable action comedy. The crime subplot is extremely convoluted, almost garishly reexplained over and over to little result, but the performances of the two leads carry the film to moderate success overall.

Ferrell plays Allen, a straight laced desk cop. Wahlberg is Terry, the rogue bad ass. Together they form the mismatched NYPD detective team at the heart of our story. Ferrell and Wahlberg have an unmistakeable chemistry that, at times, provides some laughs. Their characters are well developed, engaging, and they have some pretty fun interaction that carries most of the movie.

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[Movie News] “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” Trailer

I’m sure many of my devoted followers will recall a book review I did way back when, called “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” by Tucker Max. And if you don’t remember that, allow me to present you with this once in a lifetime gift, in the form of a link to that (fantastic) review.

Now, as it turns out, our friends in Hollywood decided that this particular book would make for a worthwhile film! I know that books being converted to film is a rare happening, so I feel we should all support these legions of book and screen at ALL times. Yes, that was coated in sarcasm.

Anyway, here’s the trailer:
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