[Movie Review] World’s Greatest Dad


I’m a big fan of Robin Williams. I think that he’s one of the most versatile actors working in Hollywood, and his performances in films like Good Will Hunting, One Hour Photo, and Insomnia prove that although he does a lot of broad family comedies, he’s quite apt at pulling off emotional and much darker roles than what most might be accustomed to seeing,

World’s Greatest Dad is a film that centers on the life of Lance Clayton, a high school poetry teacher who’s struggling in his personal life, as he’s an aspiring yet critically unfulfilled writer. He has a 15-year old son named Kyle, played by Daryl Sabara, and their relationship is rocky to say the least. Kyle is an awkward teen, but one who is very into porn and has auto-erotic tendencies. He only has one friend, Andrew, who he also treats pretty badly, and he is genuinely disliked by everyone in his school. Continue reading