[DVD Review] Flight of the Conchords: The Complete Second Season


flight of the conchords“Flight of the Conchords,” an HBO musical comedy series about a folk parody duo from New Zealand who moves to New York to make it big in America, set the bar pretty high with it’s first season. The show was fresh and insanely funny, proving to be on of the best comedies currently on American television. But as I stated in a previous review (the first review I ever wrote for the site!), the season started with a disappointingly flat first episode.

Well, for my six or so regular readers (for fun I decided to multiply the real total by three) who have been dying to know whether or not the second season picked up steam, your torturous wait is finally over, as “The Complete Second Season” of the series hit DVD shelves this week. Here we go! Continue reading

[DVD Review] Entourage: The Complete Fifth Season

entourageOpening Remark:

After sputtering towards the end of season four, HBO’s once addictively entertaining showbiz comedy “Entourage” returned to DVD shelves last week, with the release of it’s fifth season, where it appears to have pretty much officially run out of gas.

Though I was ready to rip the show for being past its prime, it did do something I didn’t expect it to do — it ended strongly. The show was able to siphon enough energy to help it turn out to be, at the very least, watchable. Enough bad metaphors, it’s review time. Continue reading

Review: Flight of the Conchords Season Two Premier

flight of the conchordsOverview:

After a screamingly funny first season, HBO’s musical comedy “Flight of the Conchords” is back for a second go around. After falling in love with the show during its first season, my expectations were through the roof as season 2 began. Sadly, for their new batch of episodes, the boys came out a bit “flat” (Get it? It’s a music joke!)

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