Retro-Review: Frogger (Arcade)

frogger arcade originalOverview:

Frogger was one of the biggest names in the gaming industry back in the day, and it still is to some extent. The simple concept of guiding a busy little froggy from point A to point B without being squished, getting eaten, or drowning in a river was one that proved to be rather addictive and claimed more than it’s fair share of quarters. That was when arcades were still the cool place to hang out, back before LAN parties, the internet, and socially inept fat kids with acne and gland disorders ruled the gaming landscape. Well, those fat kids existed, but not internet.

Anyway, I thought it might be fun to take a look way back at one of the biggest names in the arcade industry and one that held influence for years after the first quarter was dropped into it’s metallic guts. Enjoy!

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