Review: Dad’s Blue Cream Soda

Dad's Blue Cream SodaOverview:

Man, I sure do love me some cream soda. But even with my attraction towards the softest of all soft drinks, I’ve never seen blue cream soda before, just your standard gold, red, and clear, so the second I saw this at a local gas station I grabbed it and ran. After paying, of course. The guy at the counter had a gun!

Anyway, the Dad’s company specializes in recreating, or attempting to recreate, olde fashioned drinks that ruled the malt shops and drive-in theaters way back in the day, so as I’m sure you can imagine, most of Dad’s hook is nostalgia which seems to blind some people to the real quality of the drink. I was born in 1990, however, so reminiscing about my youth only brings thoughts of Pokemon, Bill Clinton, and Vanilla Ice, making me a prime candidate to present an honest review.

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