7 thoughts on “[Social Ineptitude Review] Having to excuse yourself from the banquet you’re covering to go to the bathroom to gag out the pen spring you were chewing on after it accidentally shot down your throat…

  1. Extreme illness or death…..that is the only way. Man, that rickey kid was really mean about your sleeping bag review. Yet, he is over they age of 10 and still goes by rickey.

  2. Why don’t you quit chewing on pens? One day one is going to leak all over your face and you won’t know until you go home 5 hours later and see it in the mirror. Then you’ll be embarrassed because no one bothered to tell you the entire day because people don’t like mentioning things like this.

  3. And given the incident above, there’s apparently also the real risk of choking to death, which really aught to be a pretty strong motivation to change your behavior.

    That and the risk that after years of your friends allowing you to pick up/fiddle with/chew on any small items in their apartment, they might eventually reach a breaking point, tolerance-wise.

  4. Oh, burn on me, Adam! I’ll shed a tear into the millions of dollars I’ve earned over the years being better than clowns like your buddy Casual Clay Cunningham.
    Jesus, as if you actually have friends. Your mommy would actually have to let you out of the house at night for that to happen. Next time you create an alter-ego, make him a bit more believable.

  5. Up yours, sackhole! Rickey, if you had any shred of class like Casual Clay Cunningham exudes, then you would know how inferior you are to the supreme likes of him. You don’t even deserve to choke to death on a fucking spring you desolate whore. I hope your mom dies in a fatal accident so that you can understand the true meaning of family and how important a mother and her motherly love is. Casual Clay Cunningham understands these things and loves his beautiful sexy mother so much that he still lives in her sweet and cozy bosom. You will never know true love, even if you have as much money as you say you have, it will consume your every being. You are a hollow, shell of a human being. You will never know the feeling of true fulfillment and your life will be a series of depraved and despairing circumstances until it ultimately ends in your untimely, painful, gruesome, homosexual, gay, sickly, retarded, bitch-like, insufferable cessation.

    Stay tight! 😉

    p.s. fuck you Sara, nobody gives a damn about your stupid fucking spider problem

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