We Got Our Domain Name!

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that we finally bought our domain name! Everyview.com is secured and ownership will be transferred to us in about 12 hours. After that it’s only a matter of days before you’ll be visiting our site without that pesky .wordpress subdomain to get in your way.

Along with that update, the Review Round-Up page will be finished tonight before I engage in slumber, I’m making that a promise. I don’t care how boring it is to make, it’ll be up and running for you guys to explore.

And one final note, we have two new contributors on their way in so keep an eye out for the Everyview Team to update and grow a little bit more.

Thanks a lot to you guys, the readers, for making this possible. Until next time, keep reading Everyview!


The domain thing worked out a lot quicker than I thought it would. Welcome to Everyview.com! Plus, the Everyview Round-Up is now finished! Goodnight.

5 thoughts on “We Got Our Domain Name!

  1. AWESOME! Congrats, guys. I haven’t read for about a week, and look what I missed!

    Really, great job!

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